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The Integrity Center, Inc.

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The Integrity News
Vol. XIII No. 7
ISSN 1081-2717


The Integrity Center, Inc.
"objective risk management services"

March 24, 2004

The Resume Problem

Part 1 -- Why is Resume Fraud Bad ?
Part 2 -- How BAD is it in 2004 ?
Part 3 -- What Automation Can Help ?

The 3/11/04 article in - Technology entitled "Resume Fraud Gets Slicker and Easier" points out how bad the problem has become.

Why is Resume Fraud Bad ?

The answer to the question will be clear when you think  about the following:

    Will you trust your operations to a devious person ?
    Does the applicant really have the training claimed ?
    Will you get the experience you will pay for ?
    Does the applicant actually have the license claimed ?
    Was the real time between jobs actually spent in jail ?
    Does the Resume cover-up a hidden business agenda ?

How Bad is it in 2004 ?

In  "Resume Fraud Gets Slicker and Easier" , we see the following amazing quotes.

"Simple misrepresentation of facts on a Resume is passe.     Lying convincingly is in."

"As companies, via background searches, try to call the  bluff of less-than-honest job seekers, candidates are  resorting to more complex, sometimes hi-tech means to  hoodwink potential employers."

"Some applicants are providing employers with toll-free  numbers which are answered by operators of Web sites  that not only offer phony academic degrees, but also  "verify" a job seeker's education."

"And, in an effort to put more credibility into embellishing  their resume, some candidates are paying hackers to plug  their names into a class list database of a university they  claim to have attended."

"People could be charged with a felony for hacking into a  university's database, according to criminal lawyers.   And  if a false degree leads to higher pay for a job candidate, he  or she could be accused of criminal fraud by the employer."

"There is a long list of websites that offer fake degrees  and these only facilitate resume fraud."   "Some websites  give out a  'special'  800# along with the fake degree that  crooked applicants purchase, so that when the employer  calls, the degree will actually be confirmed."

"This has prompted an increasing number of companies  to do more thorough background checks of candidates."

"Companies seeking to get a clearer picture of a  candidate's ( true ) qualifications via background checks  are uncovering other new forms of deception."

Some companies are now requesting grade transcripts  from potential candidates as proof of their academic  claims -- although, a good hacker can invent and insert  a viable transcript in a school's records while adding the  bogus alumnus to the school's database.

What Automation Can Help ?

There are currently two (2) online tools that can help  the employer get the truth from an applicant.

Tool # 1:

There is an online survey that the employer can require  the applicant to take.   The survey, already used with  thousands of job applicants, produces an Interview Guide  for the employer to use.

The Interview Guide is automatically created when the survey is completed.   The interview should be completed  prior to any background checking because it will identify  the more important items to check.

Before the employer ever interviews the applicant, he  or she gets a very detailed and accurate picture of the  applicant's job-related motivations and attitudes.   The  employer is also given the applicant's answers to a  series of  "control"  questions that enable the employer  to gauge the level of honesty with which the applicant  took the online survey.

Frankly, most applicants are amazed at the insight that  the interviewer gets from the seemingly simple survey  that only took 35-45 minutes to complete online.

That amazement is part of the power of the Interview  Tool's great success.   The interviewer reviews the motivations and attitudes with the applicant.    Applicants  have consistently been more candid and forthcoming in  the balance of the interview because they just don't  know how much the interviewer actually knows.

After the initial review, the balance of the interview  consists of discussing the applicant's answers to other  questions that the applicant answered online during the  survey session.   The process is so easy for the interviewer because the interviewer merely has to remind the applicant of the answer that they gave to a particular question online, and ask for further clarification.

In the Interview Guide, those other questions are grouped  into nine areas that cover topics that are increasingly  difficult for the applicant to be candid about. There are no  right or wrong answers.   The tool just creates an atmosphere  in which the applicant volunteers amazing information to  the interviewer who carefully notes what is said.

The result for the interviewer is an absolutely solid  understanding of the applicant, and usually, very good  leads to follow up in the subsequent background checking.

Tool # 2:

Employers should now be using online Job Applications  and can use ones that have special features that facilitate the collection of supporting documentation.

Online Job Applications save the employer large amounts  of time and give the employer control over the data fields  that he or she specifies as  "required input".   In addition, online Job Applications can now be set to require the  applicant to fax supporting documents to an Image Server.

The Image Server converts the faxed documents to online reports and adds them to the employer's online file for  reference at any future time where they are stored with the Job Application.   Further, Interview Notes can be  kept online with those documents so that HR personnel  can collaborate with managers in a virtual meeting to  evaluate an applicant.

The Integrity Center, Inc. offers both of the above tools and they are very inexpensive.   Clients can request that  a staff investigator perform the personnel security  interview if the employer is pressed for time or wants a third party evaluation.   Also, the client can ask to have  the documents which have been faxed in to be further  verified by a staff investigator who will check randomly  selected items on the documents using our own reliable  sources.

Your company can get the truth.

To discuss any aspect of resume fraud and the techniques that will help your company avoid  being deceived, feel free to call  The Integrity  Center, Inc.  at  (972) 484-6140.    Helping you  with your Risk Management is what we do.

The Resume
Immigration Reform
   Will Mean:
   Employers MUST
The Mobile
   Connection (tm)
   Law Increases
   Employer Risk
Three New
   H.R. Videos
"7 Ways
   To Avoid
   Employees From
Form I-9 Update
   and NEW
   Form I-9 Tools
New Federal Laws
   To Consider
Access To News
   Items For HR
   And Security
   Credit Bureau
   Reports In The
   Hiring Process
Talent Assessments
   Before Mergers
   or Investments
   Identity Theft
New Items
   for HR and
   Offer Help
   I.D. Theft
Avian Flu:
   Business Thinks
   The Unthinkable
New Federal
   Rules That
   Govern Online
Gaffe Shows Need
   To Screen Current
   Employees At
   Promotion Time
   Baby Boomer
   Disposal Law
   Kicked In
   June 1, 2005
A New Wrinkle
   On Age Bias
Don't Let Your
   Identity Data
Annoying Hacking
   Has Now Become
   Organized Crime
   Your Company
   Management To
Mainstream Media
   FINALLY Address
   Risks Of Using
   Databases For
HR Automation
   Can Improve
   Company Finances
   And Innovation
Employers Beware
   "Seal of Approval"
Cyber Age
   Employee Crimes
Security Risk
   From Mobile
   Media Devices
   Could Be Coming
   By Year's End
   Was Amended
   On 12/4/03
Physical Security
   and Information
   Security are
   HR Productivity
   Road To
Stored Data
   Warning Signs
How to FIND,
   FIX or FIRE,
   Your POOR
ID Verification --
   Inexpensive and
   VERY Effective
The Darkest Side
   Of Identity Theft
Companies Dig
   Deeper Into
   Executive's Pasts
Fraud And New
   Scrutiny Of
Be Careful With
   Instant Messaging
   and Wi-Fi
   Data Privacy Rule
   Criminal Histories
   In New York State
"The Privacy Rule"
   in HIPAA
Putting A Crimp In
   The Management
   Of Spam
New Technology
Identity Theft
The Domestic
   Enhancement Act
   Pay Rules
The High Cost
   Of Penny-Ante
"Signs" That
   You Need To Do A
   Periodic Check
FTC Charges A
   Company With
   FCRA Violations
   Connection (tm)
HR is Splitting
   Into Two
   Separate Parts
Keep Your Eye On
   RFID Technology
Improv At
   The Interview
Real Security
   Won't Come Easy
   Or Cheap
DOs & DON'Ts
   To Minimize
Snapshots of
   Federal Laws
TIPS for
The Sarbanes -
   Oxley Act
NEW Calif.
   Checking Laws
The Benefits
   Of Online
   Job Applications
   --- Now It's
   Getting Personal
The United States
   Security Network
Supreme Court
Limits ADA
Supreme Court Will
   Review Law On
   Age Discrimination
Management Sleaze
The Examiner (tm)
Helps You Uncover
The New Face
Of Corporate
The Sarbanes-Oxley
   Reform Law
The Corporate Spy
National Wants and
   Warrants Illegal
No Dangerous
   Jobs For Disabled
   for Businesses
   An Employee
Listening in an
Supreme Court
   Eases Rules for
   Workers Who Sue
Drug Abuse
The Enemy
Funding Terrorism
   Information Theft
Corporate America
Copyright Theft
Mental Illness
   Workplace Costs
How to
   Fire Properly
   On Resumes
   To Be Voluntary