March 21, 2003
"objective risk management services"
Dallas, Texas - Since 1991, The Integrity Center, Inc. has plotted data each week
on the number of job candidates who have had their backgrounds checked that week
by prospective employers in anticipation of being hired by the employer. That plot
is then enhanced with both the monthly and quarterly rolling averages. This produces
a very good leading indicator of the direction of the jobs market.
The quarterly rolling average has had a negative slope for several years until the
week of January 20, 2003, when the slope finally turned positive. This week the
trend is continuing.
"It is important in these difficult times to present the best possible information
to job seekers, employers, and government agencies. Hiring has turned the corner.",
says Dr. John Allan, President of The Integrity Center. Media professionals who prepare
analyses about the "jobs situation" for public consumption traditionally consider
hiring as a lagging indicator. However, the pre-employment screening that precedes
hiring is a leading indicator.
There are not enough data yet in 2003 to comment on the potential strength of the jobs
recovery in the near term, and there are wild cards like the Middle East and other
geopolitical situations that will effect the situation. "However, job seekers should
take heart, there are a lot more businesses currently telling The Integrity Center
that they will soon need to background check so that they can hire, but are waiting
until the situation is just a little more predictable", says Dr. Allan.
Job seekers need to realize that the terrorist threat, and in many industries, the
requirements of the Patriot Act, have employers putting a lot more thought into their
hiring procedures. However, employers are suffering from the tight economic times too.
So while the jobs recovery has finally started, all employers are going to be cautious.
They are going to want to hire the best people. Yet, all employers know that as the
recovery picks up momentum, there will not be enough good people to fill their jobs.
The outlook for jobs is really not as bleak as one has been lead to believe.
The Integrity Center, Inc. ,
founded in 1984, and based in Dallas, TX,
is a firm recognized nationally for employee background checking, online employee files,
and risk management, for business, industry and government. The Integrity Center and
its website are a rich source of current information regarding the laws, procedures,
and pitfalls in all areas of background checking and personnel records.
Director of Media Relations
The Integrity Center, Inc.
(972) 484-6140