The Integrity News
"objective risk management news"
Vol. XX No. 1 ISSN 1081-2717
November 1, 2011
October 26, 2011
FAKE driver's licenses seem like they can help -- get you aboard
a plane, get you inside a government building,
cash a check, or get a job -- until the fraud is detected.
"In the words of the 9/11 Commission, 'for a
terrorist, an ID can be as important as a weapon.' "
Any job applicant must realize that USING A FAKE DRIVER'S
In just over two years, tough new Federal rules will require
all states to CONFIRM an applicant's legal status, Social
Security Number, and other information before they issue
that applicant a driver's license.
But, the Coalition for a Secure Driver's License says that
terrorists and criminals unable to produce the necessary
documentation to get a valid driver's license will resort to
forgeries. "People who are living under assumed names
are going to find out that they are blocked at the Driver's
License Bureau from obtaining a valid ID, and they will
seek out high quality counterfeits."
The Forensics Document Lab, of the Department of
Homeland Security, Division of Immigration and Customs
Enforcement (ICE), contains a library of authentic driver's
licenses issued by every state and U.S. territory which they
use to compare to presumed counterfeits.
While fakes might look real to the naked eye, once under
a microscope they are often easy to detect. New overt
and covert security measures have made the job of forgery more difficult.
As counterfeiting has become more sophisticated and
costly, organized crime has been trying to cash in. ICE
says that the organizations are very sophisticated, but
arrests in numerous states have been happening.
On a regular basis for each requested jurisdiction, The Integrity
Center, Inc. checks alias names and any suspicion of
letter or number inversion, falsification, or deletion, when
possible, to detect criminal records. This pays off for our
clients. In the last month alone, an applicant with a bank
robbery record, and an applicant with a forgery record,
were detected --- each supposedly concealed by the job applicant attempting
deception by providing fraudulent data.
Remember, you can always call
The Integrity Center, Inc.
to discuss topics anytime at (972) 484-6140.
Helping you with your Risk Management and HR Automation is what we do.