The Integrity News
"objective risk management news"
Vol. XIX No. 2 ISSN 1081-2717
November 15, 2010
October 18, 2010
The new front in the battle for a global
economic edge is the stealing, BY YOUR
EMPLOYEES, of trade secrets, software
code, manufacturing processes, blueprints,
and laboratory breakthroughs. These
felonies rise to the level of espionage when
they are carried out to help a foreign
In the new global economy, businesses are
increasingly targets for theft, and you must protect
your trade secrets.
It used to be that spies were dealing in military
secrets. While that is still true, the new "game"
involves your usual commercial technologies.
In most cases, the defendants say that they saw a
chance to make money, and that they acted alone
for their contacts.
The old days of "dead drops" and clandestine
government handlers is basically gone. Now, a
"delivery" can be made by pressing the SEND
button after a download.
Think of the power in a smartphone, with the ability
to send files, photos, emails, etc. And, think of the
security work that must be done to trap these illegal
To address the above security issues our normal
offerings can give you insight into an applicant's
potential future behavior when properly analyzed.
We also provide The Examiner (tm) which among
many other issues reveals attitudinal and motivational
ideas related to theft and sabotage. We have used this
online personnel security interview guide with more
than 11,400 applicants. The insight that one can gain
into an applicant is amazing.
In the last two years we have noticed that the incidence
of discussions of these security issues with client
companies has been increasing. Feel free to call us at
any time. There is no charge for confidential discussions
of your concerns.
Remember, you can always call
The Integrity Center, Inc.
to discuss topics anytime at (972) 484-6140.
Helping you with your Risk Management and HR Automation is what we do.