The Integrity News
Vol. X No. 16 ISSN 1081-2717 July 12, 2001
STORED DATA: Records periodically purchased and/or accumulated by resellers and
stored in large computer databases to facilitate the repetitive re-sale of the
same data, resulting in stale, often inaccurate information, being sold to the end user.
Below are some of the many signs that WARN you that the vendor you are talking
to will actually be selling you stored data.
1. All reports come back immediately.
2. The vendor tells you that he only needs
a Social Security Number to retrieve a
criminal conviction history.
3. Criminal conviction records that do
come back contain dismissed and other
cases that you cannot consider for
employment purposes.
4. The vendor never has any special forms
for you to fill out for driver's license
requests, nor does he require you to pay
any state fees.
5. Driver's license requests from all states
come back in the same amount of time.
6. The vendor can synthesize a "national"
or "nationwide" criminal conviction history.
7. The vendor offers you National Wants
and Warrants or a National Fugitive Search,
both of which the FBI says are illegal to have
unless you are a law enforcement agency.
8. The prices are unbelievably low compared
to other vendors.
9. The vendor tells you that there are no forms
to fill out for Statewide criminal conviction
10. You can obtain anything, about anyone, right
11. The vendor will run any number of searches
on a given topic for the same flat fee.
12. The vendor claims to be "the source" for
employment screening records.
13. The vendor does not fully inform you of laws
such as the FCRA, DPPA, ADA, etc.
14. The vendor does not have a system that forces
you to comply with Federal law, and he does
not provide you with all necessary forms.